Working Hands Foundation (WHF) is a non-profit organization that focuses on building self-sufficient communities by providing food, clothing, and shelter. Our goal is to ensure all families have housing security, food security, and economic security.
At Working Hands Foundation, we are dedicated to ensuring the basic needs of a community are met. Our mission is to create relationships between the community, businesses, and volunteers that will provide access to a variety of resources that will help us to feed the hungry, clothe the less fortunate, and care for the underserved.
Our aim is to empower those in need by educating them on how to become self-sufficient. We believe it is not only important to "give a man a fish" so he can eat for a day, but to "teach him how to fish" so he can eat for a lifetime.
Our long-term vision is to create an environment where all basic needs are met in a community.
Build homes and shelters
Create community gardens
Establish community clothing banks
Continual community enrichment
Develop programs for maintaining mental health